How to Unblock Chakras and Embrace Energy Healing as a Christian

Over the past several blog posts we have gotten a crash course on Energy and chakras for beginners. We’ve also explored energy healing techniques and considered what Christians might be missing by not learning about energy and chakras.

In this blog post, we will learn how to “unblock” chakras and consider how this specific healing modality may fit inside the greater framework of Christian healing.

How Do Energy and Chakras Fit Into Christian Healing?

First, what is Christian healing?

Fundamental to Christian theology is the belief that God made ALL things and that originally the Creation was GOOD.

When the world was in this perfect state, referred to as shalom, there was no death, disease, or decay. Instead, there was only harmony and flourishing. Because the first humans rebelled against God, the world “fell” from this perfected state. With this “fall” came death, destruction, disease, and suffering. Jesus was God’s solution to this problem thus Jesus is the source of all Christian healing.

For Christians, healing happens by the grace of God, through Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit. True healing entails transformative growth toward wholeness on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, relational, environmental, etc. This healing moves God’s creation back toward harmony, flourishing, and the perfected state of shalom.

How Do Energy and Chakras Fit Inside This Broader Idea of Christian Healing?

Christians believe that ALL things were created by God for God’s purposes. That means we are free to approach energy models of health and the chakras with a redemptive stance.

According to energy models of health, chakras are psycho-energetic centers that allow us to balance, or bring harmony, to ourselves impacting the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our being.

Ancient yogic texts do not describe chakras as anatomical organs but rather as subtle energy centers which distribute the flow of vital energy (prana) through the different aspects of our body.

Unfortunately, mainstream healthcare and medicine continue to treat the body, mind, and spirit as separate entities despite the rise of incurable chronic illnesses. Current research findings support the belief in a connection between the different aspects of our being and point to the need to take a holistic approach to healthcare and the treatment of disease.

If Christians are open to energy models of health and are willing to explore energy healing techniques, we can find new modalities of healthcare and new treatments for disease that are designed to reach beyond merely the physical aspect of our being.

Learning more about how to unblock chakras to optimize energy flowing through these energy centers may offer potential healing as optimizing energy in the chakras aims to have an impact on us physically, mentally, AND spiritually. Teaching Christians about energy healing techniques like how to unblock chakras can help Christians to experience the fullness of healing we’ve been offered through Christ!

What are the Danger Signs of Energy & Chakras for Christians?

Scientific evidence keeps growing around the efficacy of energy healing techniques. However, the question of spiritual safety still lingers for many Christians.

It is true that Christians must be discerning when dealing with concepts that were birthed through another culture and worldview. However, we should not be too quick to dismiss the wisdom found in these teachings. (For more, read my previous blog, Christianity & Chakras: Separating the Baby from the Bathwater.)

As Christians explore energy healing techniques, it would be good to consider these three danger signs of energy & chakras for Christians.

Invoking divine energies

When considering how to unblock chakras, Christians must be crystal clear about which “Divine” energies they call upon for healing! As followers of Christ, we believe in Jehovah Rophe, the God who heals. When working the chakras, Christians would call upon the healing energy of God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The Source of healing: the Creator, not the creation

ALL things were created by God, according to his purposes and design. This includes plants, animals, nutrients, minerals, as well as antibiotics, herbs, gemstones, energy fields, and chakras. As followers of Christ learning how to unblock chakras, we believe the source of healing comes from God alone. If energy and chakras help us to heal, it is because God created those to work that way!

Emphasis on “self”

Many who seek healing, place the emphasis on the “self” rather than their deep need for and dependence on Jesus. Some pursue self-healing as a means to control their circumstances, rather than to relinquish control and trust Jesus. Others pursue healing to exalt themselves, their ministry, or their spiritual giftedness‐ rather than exalting Christ alone. Learning how to unblock chakras should not put ourselves, our chakras, or our ministries on display more than Jesus. If it does, we have stepped out of Christian healing and into another realm.

How to Embrace Energy Healing With God’s Healing Power

It is our responsibility and privilege to steward our “earthly” bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit knowing that our ultimate healing will happen in glory. (1 Corinthians 6:10 & 2 Corinthians 5:1)

Christians can learn energy healing techniques like how to unblock chakras in an effort to steward our bodies and our health.

As Christians embrace energy healing, we will call on the healing power of God and will be reminded of God’s omnipotence. We will also discover God’s power and zeal to heal his Creation.

In the Old Testament God is referred to as Jehovah Rophe, translated as “the God who heals” on all levels- mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically, relationally, and environmentally.

Coincidentally, energy models of health describe chakras as psycho-energetic centers that allow us to balance our energies physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

As followers of Christ, we believe that the power to heal comes from the God who knows how to heal us holistically and completely. Learning how to unblock the chakras with the healing power of Jesus can allow us to experience the fullness of healing that we’ve been offered in Christ!

How to Unblock Chakras With God’s Healing Power

But how do we unblock the chakras with God’s healing power?

Ancient yogic texts describe the chakras as focal points for meditation. The purpose of traditional chakra meditation was to invite divine energies into the body.

For Christians, this would entail inviting the healing presence and energy of the Trinity (Father, Son, & Holy Spirit) into our bodies through chakra meditation.

As Christians seeking healing and considering how to unblock chakras, we believe the power to heal comes from God and is meant to display God’s power and glory.

Christians will learn how to unblock chakras by meditating on God’s presence and calling on the healing power of Jesus to move through each chakra. As God heals his people through energy & chakras, the glory of God is put on display for the whole world to see.

Christian Chakra Meditation For Beginners

Over the years, I have taught about how to unblock chakras with God’s healing power to hundreds of students.

In my teaching curriculum, I created a Christian chakra meditation for beginners called Journeying through the chakras with Christ. I have been amazed at how God has used the energy and chakras to bring deep healing. The meditations help draw students into a deeper relationship with themselves and with God.

Kali, a yoga teacher, was skeptical about how unblocking your chakras could fit inside the greater realm of Christian healing. After experiencing the chakra meditation for beginners she messaged me and said,

“I am so grateful that I did not let the resistance and triggers hold me back from what God had for me! I just did your chakra meditation and it was beautiful! God really met me at the heart chakra and your scriptures and affirmations helped unlock a powerful release. I had to pause and weep for a good 15 minutes!”

Another student, Quinn wrote to me after experiencing the Christian chakra meditation for beginners,

“Thank you, Kelly. I have had such powerful moments connecting with myself and God while taking time to be in my solar chakra and sacral chakra… and wouldn’t even have known to go there without you!”

It is clear that God can use even the “woo-woo” things like energy healing and chakra balancing to help his people experience healing. In fact, we can experience Christian healing in new and powerful ways as we journey through the chakras with Christ.

Wanna learn more about Christian healing and how to unblock chakras?

Chakras can be understood as an internal map for growth on all levels – physical, mental-emotional, relational, and spiritual. To learn more about chakras for beginners, check out my free Energy and Chakras toolkit, along with my other free resources here.