How to “Activate” Chakras in the Human Body From a Christian Perspective

In previous blog posts, we’ve made an introduction to energy and chakras for beginners. We’ve explored various energy healing methods and considered how journeying through the chakras with Jesus might help Christians experience deeper healing and a more abundant living.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to “activate” chakras in the human body (hint… Christians cannot activate the power of God to heal) and then we will contemplate how chakra balancing might fit within the broader context of Christian healing.

The Holy Spirit and Chakras: Are Chakras Christian?

Before we jump into a conversation about how to activate chakras in the human body, let’s first clarify the concept of “healing” from a Christian perspective and take a look at the relationship between the Holy Spirit and chakras. 

For the follower of Christ, healing is the journey to restore God’s creation back to its original state of harmony, flourishing, and shalom. God, as Jehovah Rophe, works to heal all aspects of our world and our being: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, relational, and environmental. 

Christians believe that healing comes from God and true healing is meant to give glory to God. For example, if vitamin C helps us to heal physically because it facilitates cellular repair, Christians believe that this happens because God created Vitamin C to work in the body that way! We do not worship vitamin C or believe it to have some mystical, magical power. We praise the God who created vitamin C and designed it to help us in our healing. 

Likewise, we can approach energy and chakras with the same logic. If energy methods of healing help us to restore our health, it is because God created our bodies to work that way!  As Christians, we believe that ALL things were created by God, by his design, and for His purposes. With this in mind, we are free to take a redemptive approach to chakras and energy-based models of healing.

According to ancient yogic texts, chakras are not physical organs but subtle energy centers which regulate the flow of vital energy (prana) throughout the body and enable us to find harmony in the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our being. More and more research is pointing to the interconnectedness of all these dimensions, illustrating the need for a holistic approach to our health.

Christians who are open to exploring energy-based health models are likely to find a holistic model of healing. However, we must use discernment when learning about what it means to activate chakras in the human body and need to be able to understand energy healing techniques from a Christian perspective.

The relationship between the Holy Spirit and chakras?

Christians believe the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, along with God the Father, and Jesus Christ the Son. The Holy Spirit is understood as the divine presence of God actively at work in the world, guiding believers, providing comfort, empowering them for various works, and bringing healing and restoration on earth as it is in heaven. 

Throughout the New Testament, Jesus and his disciples perform healing miracles, often accompanied by the presence of the Holy Spirit. For example, in the Gospels, Jesus heals the sick, casts out demons, and performs other miraculous acts, explicitly attributing the power of healing to the Holy Spirit. Further, the book of Acts recounts the history of the early Church as the disciples continued to perform healing miracles through the power of the Holy Spirit. 

True healing happens by the grace of God, is offered through Jesus Christ, and is empowered and applied by the Holy Spirit.

How Can Christians Tell Which Chakra is Blocked?

In order to figure out which chakra is blocked, we need to pay attention to physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual symptoms. Here are some examples of emotional signs associated with imbalanced energy in each chakra:

  • Lack of trust in oneself or others (Root Chakra).
  • Creative blocks or lack of inspiration (Sacral Chakra).
  • Difficulty setting boundaries or asserting oneself (Solar Plexus Chakra).
  • Feelings of loneliness or isolation (Heart Chakra).
  • Fear of speaking up or expressing oneself authentically (Throat Chakra).
  • Unhealthy relationship with one’s intuition or inner wisdom (Brow Chakra).
  • Lack of purpose or direction in life (Crown Chakra).

How to “Activate” Chakras in the Human Body: A Guide for Christians

The Bible refers to our bodies as earthly tents and also temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19 & 2 Corinthians 5:1). As stewards of these earthly bodies, we recognize both the responsibility and privilege of caring for our health. While we believe that our ultimate healing awaits Glory, Christians who desire to experience the fullness of health and healing here on earth may find chakra balancing and other energy healing techniques a powerful tool for stewarding their health and well-being.

Christians believe the power to heal comes from God alone. Christians do not activate the power of God to heal. 

If healing comes from God, then Christians do not “activate” the chakras but instead, they call on the power of God to heal chakras through:  

  • Prayer and meditation, such as meditating on a heart chakra mantra for receiving the love of God demonstrated through Christ
  • Focusing on a certain chakra during your evening walk or in your Christ-centered yoga practice
  • Reflecting on scripture that aligns with each chakra

For more info on each specific chakra and how to “activate” them in the human body, check out this video series

We are invited to work with God, to cooperate with Him, to ask for his healing power to have its way in us and through. Thus, balancing the chakras for Christians would involve meditating on God’s presence and inviting the healing power of Jesus to flow through each energy center, magnifying God’s glory in the process.

Ready to Activate Your Chakras? Take My Chakras Alignment Test 

Energy healing techniques offer us a holistic model of health. When considering what it means to “activate” the chakras in the human body from a Christian perspective, followers of Christ recognize that we cannot “activate” the power of God to heal. However, we can call on the healing power of God, as Jehovah Rophe, the God who heals  us on all levels. 

Ready to “activate” your chakras by calling on the power of God? Get started by taking my chakra alignment test.