Which Chakra is Blocked: A Guide for Christians

As Christians, there are a variety of spiritual disciplines we can employ when seeking to cultivate a deeper, more fulfilling life in Christ.

While traditional practices like prayer, fasting, and the study of scripture are vital to the Christian life, we may also find value in complementary practices from other traditions, such as yoga and meditation for chakra balancing. 

In this blog, we’ll explore how you can figure out which chakra is blocked and how to bring balance to your chakras with Jesus as the source of your healing.

While the concept of energy healing has its roots in the East, we will delve into how Christians can identify blocked chakras and learn how to experience healing by journeying through the chakras with Christ.

Understanding the 7 Chakras and God:

Chakras are energy centers within the body, each associated with different aspects of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health and well-being. While not explicitly mentioned in the Bible, Christians should remember that the Bible is not a book about human health and well-being. When studying energetic models of health we need to be careful not to “throw the Baby out with the Bathwater”

As a brief overview, there are seven main chakras, each with its unique focus:

  • Root Chakra: Located at the base of the spine, is associated with security and survival.
  • Sacral Chakra: Situated in the lower abdomen, is associated with creativity and intimacy.
  • Solar Plexus Chakra: Found in the upper abdomen, is associated with personal power and confidence.
  • Heart Chakra: Positioned in the chest, is associated with love and compassion.
  • Throat Chakra: Located in the throat area, is associated with communication and the ability to hear and speak what is true.
  • Brow Chakra: Between the eyebrows, is associated with intuition and spiritual perception.
  • Crown Chakra: At the top of the head, is associated with God and connection with the Divine.

How Can Christians Tell Which Chakra is Blocked?

Often chakras are said to be “blocked,” but more accurately this is known as an imbalance of the energy in the chakras. Both overactive and underactive energy in the chakras can manifest in physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual symptoms. 

Recognizing which chakra is blocked or imbalanced is helpful for healing holistically on all levels. Some signs of imbalanced energy in the chakras include:

  • Persistent feelings of fear or insecurity (Root Chakra).
  • Difficulty with intimacy or expressing emotions (Sacral Chakra).
  • Low self-esteem or lack of confidence (Solar Plexus Chakra).
  • Issues with giving or receiving love (Heart Chakra).
  • Communication challenges (Throat Chakra).
  • Lack of spiritual perceptivity or guidance (Brow Chakra).
  • Feeling disconnected from God (Crown Chakra).

Chakra Balancing Techniques For Christian Healing

How can we address imbalances and blockages in the chakras in order to foster spiritual growth and usher in the healing that has been offered to us in Christ?  Here are some Christian healing practices to incorporate into our lives:

  • Prayer and Meditation: Begin each day with prayer and meditation, focusing on the “blocked” chakra. Invite the Holy Spirit to bring healing and to restore balance.
  • Scripture Reflection: Meditate on Bible verses that speak to the intention of each chakra, and ask the Holy Spirit for healing, spiritual insight, and guidance.
  • Visualization and Affirmations: Visualize the chakra as a radiant energy center shining with the light of Christ and utilize positive affirmations from the Scripture that speak to the focus of each chakra.
  • Physical Exercise and Yoga: Physical activity like walking, lifting weights, and yoga can stimulate energy flow and restore balance within the body.
  • Sacraments, Rituals, and Disciplines: Participating in Christian sacraments like baptism or communion, and disciplines like worship and service can help restore harmony.

Take My Chakra Alignment Test to Discover Which Chakra is Blocked

Chakras can be understood as an internal map for health and growth on all levels – physical, mental-emotional, relational, and spiritual. 

Ready to find out which chakra is blocked or out of balance? Learn more about which chakra is blocked and use the results to find your personal areas of strength as well as opportunities for growth. Take my chakra alignment test here