The Benefits of Chakra Balancing and Energy Healing for Christians

In the last couple of blog posts, we considered a Christian perspective on Energy and chakras for beginners and took a look at what Christians might be missing by not knowing about energy and chakras. In this blog post, we will answer the question,  “what is energy healing?”, learn different types of energy healing, and explore the benefits of chakra balancing. Let’s dig in!

What is Energy Healing?

Let’s start from the beginning… What is energy healing?

Energy healing is defined as “a form of complementary and alternative medicine based on the belief that a vital energy flows through the human body. The goal of energy healing is to balance the energy flow in the patient. It is used to reduce stress and anxiety and promote well-being.” 

Those who utilize an energetic model of health believe that  “vital energy” flows through the body and an energy field surrounds the body. Imbalances in energy can lead to problems physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually. 

Energy healing techniques, such as chakra balancing, intend to address these imbalances and restore a natural state of harmony to the body. 

There are many types of energy healing, which we’ll go over below. Studies are being done to assess the different types and evidence suggests that energy healing techniques can be used to treat various health conditions and are effective in restoring health, improving quality of life, boosting the immune system, or reducing stress and anxiety. 

The Benefits of Energy Healing From a Christian Perspective

Energy healing can make a difference when used to deal with chronic conditions, physical issues, as well as mental and emotional health issues. Energy healing is unlimited, cheap, and available to all people regardless of their geography or sociodemographic status! 

A growing number of people are turning to various types of energy healing. In fact, A survey conducted by the National Institutes of Health found that 1.2 million adults and 161,000 children in the United States had received some sort of energy healing in the previous year. 

But many Christians want to know “what does the Bible say about energy?” and are curious about the benefits of chakra balancing and other energy healing techniques and how these work with their faith.

Sadly, Christians are  missing out on an array of effective healing modalities which may be preventing them from experiencing their God-given capacity for optimal health.

This is due in part by lack of knowledge about energetic models of medicine as well as fear of the chakras. The truth is that energy healing is a gift from God meant for ALL people. Christians do not need to miss out on this gift because of their lack of knowledge and fear.

In my previous blog post, we considered the question, what does the Bible say about energy. The Bible describes God as the Creator of all things – this means that God is the Creator of energy!  When taking a closer look at how the word “energy” is used in the Bible, we find that there are over 100 verses that mention words such as energy, strength, power, labor, zeal, restoration, and work.

Energy healing then, from a Christian perspective, would point to God’s ability, power, and zeal to heal. One of the names that is used to describe God in the Old Testament is Jehovah Rophe, which is translated as “the God who heals”.  As Christians, we believe that the power to heal comes from God and is meant to bring God glory. This includes energy healing!

Types of Energy Healing

There are many different types of energy healing techniques and each modality is considered generally safe with little or no potential for side effects. While not yet considered mainstream medicine in the West, studies show that energy healing therapy is effective when used to treat various health conditions including, but not limited to, stress related illnesses, cancer, and chronic mental and physical disorders. 

There are many types of energy healing. The National Center of Complementary and Integrative Health states that there are more than 200 types of energy healing. These include techniques such as:

  • Hands-on healing such as reflexology, reiki, therapeutic and healing touch 
  • No-touch healing such as Qigong, sound healing, intercessory and healing prayer
  • Self-administered healing such as self administered reiki, Thought Field Therapy, Emotional Freedom Techniques, and chakra balancing

What is Chakra Balancing?

What is chakra balancing and what are the benefits of chakra balancing?

Chakra balancing is the process of restoring harmony to the body’s energy centers. Chakra balancing techniques are meant to optimize the energy moving through our energy centers in order to promote optimal health and well-being on all levels.

As a yoga teacher, I am most familiar with chakra balancing techniques which stem from the Indian energy model of medicine. The word chakra is a Sanskrit word most often translated as “spinning wheel” and according to the Indian systems of healing, chakras are not actual physical structures in the body but swirls of energy created by energetic intersections within the subtle body. The energy flowing in each chakra can be underactive, overactive, or “balanced”. The chakras are considered “balanced” when these energy centers are healthy and the energy flowing through them is harmonious. 

Unlike modern, new age chakra healers, traditional yoga teachers did not focus on balancing other’s chakras. Rather, they taught the eight-limbed path of yoga (particularly asana, pranayama, and meditation) to help students to learn how to establish health and harmony in their own chakras.

For example, pranayama, one of the eight-limbs of yoga, consists of breath-work practices which control or expand the breath, in order to balance “prana” or vital life energy flowing through the body. By practicing chakra balancing techniques like pranayama, the student is able to release blocked energies, create harmony in the energy centers, and experience the many benefits of chakra balancing

What is chakra balancing? Chakra balancing can be compared to getting a tune up for a car, both are meant to establish proper function and facilitate peak efficiency. Some of the benefits of chakra balancing include:

  • Chakra balancing optimizes the flow of energy in the energy centers
  • Chakra balancing nurtures your physical health and emotional well-being
  • Chakra balancing sets the stage for optimal health.

The Benefits of Chakra Balancing From a Christian Perspective

Now that we have learned a little bit about energy healing and answered the question what is chakra balancing, let’s consider the benefits of chakra balancing for Christians. 

As Christians explore energy healing and experience chakra balancing, we will give glory to God as Jehovah Rophe, the God who is the source of all energy and the God who heals!

One of the primary benefits of chakra balancing for Christians is that it can help followers of Christ to live the fullest expression of who God created us to be! Balancing the chakras works to restore harmony to the energies of the body and can help Christians experience: 

  • Improved health and well being.
  • Optimal healing of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual issues.
  • Increased clarity, focus, concentration, awareness, and memory function.
  • Heightened creativity, resilience, and emotional flexibility.
  • Sense of self-worth, self-esteem and self- confidence.
  • Better sleep, improved patience, and self-control.

If Christians are serious about their well-being, it makes sense to glean wisdom from this model of health and wellness that has been utilized in the East for ages! Chakra balancing and other types of energy healing techniques provide a structure for followers of Christ to develop greater harmony within themselves in order to optimize their health– physically, mentally-emotionally, and spiritually. 

Learn More About Chakras For Christians Through My Free Resources

Chakras can be understood as an internal map for growth on all levels – physical, mental-emotional, relational, and spiritual. To learn more about chakras for beginners, check out my free Energy and Chakras toolkit, along with my other free resources here.