What do art and creativity have to do with the spiritual life? How can Christians engage with art and creativity to deepen their worship and walk with the Lord? The following blogs will explore these topics and more.

Creativity has long been a way that humanity has sought to connect with the Divine. Whether it is through song, dance, spoken word, painting, sketching, or other creative expressions, creativity can connect us to our Creator. 

In addition, art has always been a means for Christians to express their belief and devotion to God. It can be a form of worship. Let’s explore how artistic expression has the power to help God bypass the intellect and speak directly to our heart and soul.

Engaging with art and creativity can also help Christians to slow down their busy lives, get still, and practice contemplation. It is a form of self-care as well as play. The following blogs will explore various types of artistic expression, such as wabi sabi and the art of imperfection. 

If you are seeking ways to deepen your connection to the Divine through art and creativity, the following blogs are for you. 

Want to dive deeper into art and creativity from a Christian perspective? Check out my free guides and yoga resources here. I also offer on-demand online courses and seasonal signature courses. Check them out and join the waitlist for the next course here

Want to work with me? Check out my teaching, mentoring, and yoga teacher training offerings here

Wabi-sabi and the Art of Imperfection

I have never thought myself particularly pretty. It is not that I don’t have confidence. I was raised to be a confident young woman. It is just that I have never been under any impression that I was able to win the favor of the world through my appearance. To me, it seems that mirrors do not ever quite get [...]

By |2023-04-14T13:32:39+00:00September 30th, 2019|Art & creativity|
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