What Does the Bible Say About Meditation?

As a Christian yoga teacher, I hear many questions about yoga and meditation like, “Should Christians meditate” or “What does the Bible say about meditation?” It seems there is a misunderstanding around meditation and an accompanying fear that the practice of meditation is off-limits for Christians. 

In this blog, we will explain why Christians should meditate, give examples of meditation in the Bible, and discuss how to meditate as a follower of Christ. 

Should Christians Meditate?

Before we answer the question, “Should Christians meditate?” It’s important to have a clear understanding of what meditation is!

Meditation-  to engage in contemplation or reflection or other mental exercise for the purpose of reaching a heightened level of spiritual awareness – Merriam Webster

What does the Bible say about meditation? Interestingly, the Bible actually commands the people of God to meditate! Meditation in the Bible is often associated with pondering, reflecting, and internalizing God’s Word and commandments. It emphasizes a deep engagement with the Scriptures and a desire to align one’s thoughts and actions with God’s will. Christians should meditate as a way to refresh and renew our minds, hold every thought captive to Christ, and draw near to God through his word. 

Examples of Meditation in the Bible

The Bible mentions meditation specifically in 23 separate occurrences, often referring to a focused contemplation on God’s Word and His ways. Here are a few examples of meditation in the Bible:

  • Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” Joshua 1:8 (NIV)
  • “but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.” Psalm 1:2 (NIV)
  • “May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.” Psalm 19:14 (NIV)
  • “I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways.” Psalm 119:15 (NIV) 

Further, the people of God are not only commanded to meditate on God’s law but also to “set their minds on the things above”,  contemplating the nature of God, what God has done, what He promises to do, and his very precious presence with us NOW in the Holy Spirit.

The Benefits of Meditation for Christians

When asked the question, “Should Christians meditate?”, one only needs to look at the long list of benefits of meditation for Christians to find the answer! Some of the scientifically proven health benefits of meditation include: 

  • Reduces stress
  • Controls anxiety
  • Lowers blood pressure 
  • Promotes emotional health
  • Helps in treating addictions
  • Improves sleep
  • Controls pain

Meditation involves deep concentration on a single point of focus. From a practical sense, meditation is a tool that can help us train our brains to set distractions aside in order to cultivate concentration and focus. 

As we become more aware of the inner landscapes of our thoughts, our minds, and the realm of our feelings, we can learn to control our thoughts and attitudes. We can begin to respond to situations that arise in our lives thoughtfully and intentionally, instead of reacting impulsively. 

“Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth” – Colossians 3:2

From a spiritual sense, meditation helps us to still the mind in order to “know” God and heighten our awareness of the Holy Spirit dwelling with us. It helps us to set distractions aside to “set our minds on the things above.”  

In my previous blog about the mental and emotional benefits of yoga for Christians, we examined how meditation, yoga, and other contemplative practices can help our mind to more easily separate the earthly from the heavenly, the temporal from the eternal, and illusion from reality.

How to Meditate as a Christian

When researching what does the Bible say about meditation, I find that Jesus is the best teacher! While the Bible does not specifically mention the word meditation or detail how Jesus spent his time with God, we find numerous occasions where Jesus withdrew from the crowds and the busyness of his earthly ministry to spend time alone with God. 

Here are some simple instructions for how to meditate as a Christian:

  • Select a Quiet Space: Find a quiet and comfortable place where you can be alone and free from distractions. This could be a designated prayer space or a peaceful corner in your home.
  • Set a Time: Choose a specific time for your meditation. It could be in the morning, during a break, or before bedtime. Consistency can help establish a routine.
  • Begin with Prayer: Start your meditation with a prayer, inviting the presence of the Holy Spirit. Ask for guidance, understanding, and a receptive heart.
  • Select a Scripture Passage: Choose a Bible verse or passage that resonates with you. It could be a verse that brings comfort, wisdom, or inspiration. Read the passage slowly and attentively.
  • Reflect on the Scripture: Meditate on the chosen Scripture. Repeat it quietly to yourself, and consider its meaning. Reflect on how it applies to your life and what God might be revealing to you through it.
  • Silent Contemplation: Spend some time in silence, allowing the words of the Scripture to resonate within you. Be open to any insights or impressions that may arise.
  • Focus on God’s Presence: Shift your attention to the presence of God. Engage in a quiet communion with God, expressing gratitude, love, and openness.
  • Practice Deep Breathing: Incorporate slow and intentional breathing. Inhale deeply, exhale slowly and use this rhythm to center your mind and body.
  • Stay Present: If your mind begins to wander, gently bring it back to the Scripture or the awareness of God’s presence. Don’t be discouraged by distractions; acknowledge them and refocus.
  • Conclude with Gratitude: End your meditation with a prayer of thanksgiving. Express gratitude for the time spent in God’s presence and ask for continued guidance throughout your day.

Take My Free Meditation Quiz 

Wanna learn how to meditate as a Christian? Take my meditation quiz and get your FREE guide to learn what the Bible says AND how meditation & contemplative practices can help you to grow spiritually as a follower of Christ! >>>Take the quiz now.