How Do You Pray With Christian Prayer Beads?

Christian prayer beads were not originally part of my spiritual practice as someone who has landed in the Protestant tradition of the Christian faith. As an artist and a jewelry maker, I have always loved texture and color. Imagine my delight when I was introduced to the practice of praying with beads. Holding the beads in my hands, admiring the colors, feeling the texture, sensing the warmth in the beads as I hold them in my hands. All of these things help me to stay focused, point me to my Creator, and remind me of his unwavering presence.

Those in the Orthodox and Roman Catholic traditions may have grown up praying with ropes or beads. However, many Christians in the protestant tradition have yet to be introduced to beads as a tool to enhance prayer and meditation. Here, we will make the introduction and explore the ancient spiritual practice of praying with Christian prayer beads.

The History of Prayer Beads

Throughout the ages, prayer beads have been used as a universal tool for meditation and prayer in most every culture and faith tradition. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism, and the Baha’i Faith all use some form of prayer beads to count prayers and to recite sacred words, scriptures or prayers. Judaism does not have a history of praying with beads but instead, uses knotted fringes on the corners of a prayer shawl tool for meditation and prayer.

The practice of pausing on each knot, or bead, during meditation and prayer helps us to center our hearts on God and to guard our minds against distraction.

In the Christian faith, the practice of praying with beads is believed to originate with the Desert Mothers and Fathers around the 3rd and early 4th centuries when they carried pebbles in pouches to be used for counting recitations and meditations on the 150 Psalms. These pebbles eventually became knots in a rope or beads which were strung on a cord.

The Romans Catholic rosary has been used for centuries with specific prayers prescribed for each bead. The Eastern Orthodox Church generally uses ropes tied with knots rather than beads. The Protestant Rosary, sometimes referred to as the Anglican Rosary, is a more recent invention which allows for freedom and creativity, as there is no one prescribed way to use the beads. Whether pebbles, knots, or beads, all of these tools share the common goal of meditating deeply on the mysteries of Christ and the presence of God, through the Holy Spirit.

Why Christian Prayer Beads?

Ever heard of the monkey mind? ​​​​​​​​Oftentimes, our mind functions like a monkey… Our thoughts wander. Our focus is distracted. Our mind jumps from thought to thought, much like a monkey jumps from tree to tree.

Christian prayer beads can assist us in focusing our minds. They serve as a tool to help us in the practice of getting still, slowing down our busy lives in order to enter into a richer time of prayer and deeper worship. The beads act as an anchor to help us focus our thoughts and to still the mind. The practice of pausing on each bead during prayer helps us to set aside distraction and to center our hearts on the presence of God.

The true aim of prayer is to enter into conversation with God. It is not restricted to certain hours of the day. A Christian has to feel himself personally in the presence of God. The goal of prayer is precisely to be with God always. –Georges Florovsky

What are the Benefits of Christian Prayer Beads?

The benefits of Christian prayer beads are similar to the benefits encountered during Christ-centered meditation:

  • Increased mental clarity, focus, and attention
  • Improved control over thoughts and freedom from distractions
  • Improved memory and retention (both short term and long term)
  • Decreased anxiety, fear, and depressive states of mind
  • Stress reduction, lower stress hormones,
  • Better quality of sleep
  • Positive outlook on life and an overall sense of well-being

Furthermore, praying with beads has many benefits that are especially helpful for followers of Christ:

  • Tangible reminder to prayer without ceasing
  • Increases recollection of Scripture
  • Replaces fear with God’s promises
  • Increases ability to hold each thought captive to Christ
  • Brings comfort and helps calm anxiety and worry
  • Improves ability to set your mind on the things above

As we can see, praying with beads has many benefits for all who will take up the practice! They help us to control our thoughts and to focus our minds. For the follower of Christ, prayer beads can be a creative way to deepen our meditation, enrich our worship, and enhance our prayer life. They serve as a tool to help set distraction aside in order to meditate on God’s Word.

Christian prayer beads serve as spiritual reminders, a sort of ebenezer, for those who wear them or hold them in their pocket. Holding the beads in our hands is a physical reminder of God’s presence with us. Taking the time to pause on each bead during our meditation can help us to move our prayers from our heads to our hearts.

Ready to Start Praying With Beads?

Interested in learning more about Christian meditation and praying with beads? Start learning today with my self-paced study, Praying with Beads! Take 25% off with the code LENT until March 30!