Can Christians Practice Yoga? A Christian Yoga Teacher’s Perspective

Interested in learning about yoga & Christianity? Getting Still Studies offers Christian yoga teacher training and online courses on yoga, meditation, and prayer from a Christian perspective. Choose your course now or download your free guide, Can Christians practice yoga? with 7 Biblical Truths to help you answer this question.

The problem of Christians practicing yoga

The question, “can Christians practice yoga?” is controversial with arguments from both the Christian and Hindu perspectives. As a yoga teacher who is also a follower of Christ, I frequently find myself wading in this contentious territory listening, discerning, and searching for common Truth.

Too often, I hear well meaning Christians vehemently arguing their opinion when exploring the question “Can Christians practice yoga?”. Some tout yoga as evil, shunning the practice or seeking a “christian yoga alternative”. Others openly embrace all yoga practices and its teachings without acknowledging any potential conflicts with the Christian theology or any possibility for spiritual danger. (For more see Stealing Yoga)

I do not agree with either of these responses.

I believe that all truth is GOD’s truth and that God is in the business of revealing his truth throughout the world. Therefore, Christians can enter into the practices and philosophies of yoga searching for God’s fingerprints. How is God revealing himself? Where can they find common Truth and intersections with the Christian theology? It is true. Christians must be discerning when dealing with concepts that were birthed through another culture and worldview. However, it is also true that Christians should not be too quick to dismiss the wisdom found in these teachings. Essentially, we must take care not to “throw the baby out with the bathwater”.

The question, “Can Christians practice yoga?”

I have spent much time in study and in prayer over the topic of Christians practicing yoga. I have sought the counsel of my pastor, my elders, my accountability group, and my husband. I have not glossed over the controversy that surrounds Christians practicing yoga. I have put my practice of yoga on the altar of God.

The question “Can Christians practice yoga” is complex. The way I have come to understand it there is NOT one correct answer to this question because the practice of yoga in itself isn’t inherently good or evil.

A better question might be “Can God be glorified through the practice of yoga?” I believe this question can be answered individually for Christians in different settings as God convicts the heart of each believer according to the works that He has prepared in advance for them. (For more see Jesus & Yoga)

When I am asked the question “Can God be glorified through the practice of yoga”, my answer is a firm and unequivocal “Yes!”

Understanding yoga from a Christian perspective

Yoga is not a religion; Yoga is a spiritual practice or discipline. Much like chanting, fasting, prayer, service, and the study of scripture, the discipline of yoga can be practiced within different worldviews and in varying belief systems.

I find yoga to be a spiritual practice that fulfills a deep longing within the modern western Church. Yoga invites the whole person: body, mind, soul, and spirit into a process of awakening to the Divine Presence. Yoga teaches us the art of abiding, how to walk in both the Spirit and the flesh, and it reminds us that we are amphibious beings, having dual citizenship in both heaven and on earth.

As for me and my experience, I have benefitted from the wisdom found in the traditional practices of yoga. I believe that Christians not only “can” practice yoga, but that yoga from a Christian perspective can be a powerful spiritual practice that helps Christians to live an abundant life yoked to Christ. Stay tuned for my next blog exploring the question, “Can Christians practice yoga?”

Want to learn more about “Christian” yoga? Get your FREE guide here, grab your spot in my signature course Yoga for Christians, or join me for a Christ-centered yoga class in my online studio and get started learning today!