Should Christians Do Yoga? The Physical Benefits of Yoga

If you are one of the millions of people who practice yoga, then you probably have experienced some of the numerous physical benefits that the practice offers and have already answered yes to the question, Should Christians do yoga? 

In a modern postural yoga practice, the body is invited into different stretches, bends, and twists while maintaining a meditative and relaxed manner. This practice serves to strengthen and stretch muscles in the body while balancing the nervous system and stabilizing the mind.

In an article published by The American Osteopathic Association, family physician and yoga instructor Dr. Natalie Nevins points out, “The relaxation techniques incorporated in yoga can lessen chronic pain, such as lower back pain, arthritis, headaches and carpal tunnel syndrome. Yoga can also lower blood pressure and reduce insomnia.” Additional health benefits from a regular yoga practice include: 

  • increased muscle strength and tone
  • increased flexibility
  • improved respiration, energy and vitality
  • balanced metabolism
  • improved cardio and circulatory health
  • enhanced athletic performance
  • protection from injury

Yoga is unique in that it takes a holistic approach to health: body, mind, and spirit. Yoga approaches health holistically and the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits of yoga are undeniable. But the question still lingers for many followers of Christ, Is yoga spiritually safe for Christians?

Is yoga safe for Christ Followers?

“I practice yoga as an exercise for better health. However, I was raised in a very conservative Christian community and still wonder if Christianity and yoga are compatible. I have faced some criticism because of my yoga practice.”

This comment on one of my recent social media posts reveals an all too common struggle and mindset held by many Christians about the practice of yoga. Statements like these raise the question, “Are Christians missing out on the many health benefits of a yoga practice?” 

Because Christians believe that Jesus came to us in the FLESH, they can can hold a redemptive stance in regards to the body. God is the Creator of all things and designed the human body to stretch and move. Scripture is full of descriptions of various postures of prayer and worship taking on a physical shape. When practicing yoga, Christians can celebrate their physical body and its ability to move. 

But the questions remains, Should Christians “do” yoga?

By practicing yoga, Christians can not only experience physical benefits of yoga, but also connect with our body as God’s creation, which is fearfully and wonderfully made. Yoga can remind Christians that our body is sacred architecture and help us to explore the intricate design that God created. In his book, Yoga Anatomy, one of my teachers and popular yoga educator, Leslie Kaminoff, illustrates how specific muscles respond to the movements of the joints in each posture. It is a perfect display of the intricate design that God knit together in the human body!

As a Christian, we can feel confident in stretching and moving our body without fear that a posture will accidentally cause us to worship false gods. It is the intention in our hearts and minds that matters, not the shape of our body.  (More about this topic in an earlier blog post, Jesus & Yoga.)

Is yoga beneficial for Christians? Physical benefits and beyond…

In addition to the many physical benefits of yoga, the practice can help us to view our body as a gift from God. 

Many people have a complex relationship with their body. Body image, the way we view ourselves and our body, is influenced by a variety of factors. The practices of yoga can improve our body image by helping us to view our body as a gift from God. Each muscle, ligament, organ, and appendage of our body is a wondrous and creative work of God. His very own artwork and masterpiece! 

Yoga practices such as breath-work, posture, and drawing inward help us to experience ourselves from the inside out (rather than from the outside in). This allows us to look beyond what we see in the mirror and recognize our True identity- a child of God, created by God and made in his image. 

During a yoga practice, we are reminded that our body is God’s creation. Scripture says that we are God’s handi-work. He knit us together in our mother’s womb. As we explore our body through various postures and embodiment practices, we learn to appreciate the architecture of our body as God’s artwork and his masterpiece. When we find places in our body that seem more tightly “knit” together than others, we can experience these sensations with appreciation and curiosity rather than frustration and disappointment. (Ephesians 2:10; Psalm 139:13-14) 

Want to learn more about “Christian” yoga? Get your FREE guide here, grab your spot in my signature course Yoga for Christians, or join me for a Christ-centered yoga class in my online studio and get started learning today!