Yahweh (Hebrew) transliterated as Jehovah- the existing One; to exist/ to be (past, present & future); to become known

Rophe/ Rapha (Hebrew)- to heal; to restore; to make healthful

Jehovah Rophe– The God who has healed, is in the process of healing, and will heal and restore to health (Exodus 15:26)

Many times we think of healing solely on the physical level, however,  Jehovah Rophe is the God that heals on all levels- mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically, relationally,  and environmentally, just to name a few.  Jehovah Rophe knows the specific healing that is needed much better than we could ever know ourselves.

Questions to “till the soil” of our hearts:

  • When you experience “dis-ease” what is your response to God? Praising or cursing? Pulling close or pushing away?
  • Do you believe Jehovah Rophe is your healer and restorer?
  • Do you trust Jehovah Rophe with your wounds? Will you allow God to comfort you?
  • Do you look to Jehovah Rophe for healing? Will you allow God to be involved in your healing process or do you insist on fixing it yourself?  (What we, as humans, use to fix our own pain, we will become addicted to.)

Prayer for Healing

Jehovah Rophe, You are the Lord that heals our wounds and restores our health, Holy is your name. We confess that we are quick to try to fix our own hurts and the hurts of others. We forget to look to you, the Ultimate Healer.  We have fallen short of your perfect ways, in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done, and what we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We have inflicted injury upon ourselves, upon others, and upon our land. Heal us, Jehovah Rophe, on all levels, that we may be agents of healing in a hurting world. Amen

Disclaimer: This blog post is not making a statement about the role of physicians, therapists, and medicine in the process of healing.  This post is meant to ask the greater question, “Where does our trust lie?” Do we trust more in ourselves, in others, or in Jehovah Rophe-the God who has healed, is in the process of healing,